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Ije Training

Speed, Plyometrics, & Agility Training


Strength & Conditioning Training





Speed, Plyometrics & Agility


Book Middle School (Needham, MA)

Book High School (Needham, MA)




Strength & Conditioning



Book Middle School

Book High School



The free assessment is the perfect place for your student athlete to experience a bit of what Ije Company has to offer for speed & strength training. Assessments are 45 minutes long.


Designed for first timers the free assessment class is where Ije Coaches are able to assess the current level of student athletes to ensure they are matched with the appropriate program to improve their athleticism in a safe and effective manor. 


Book Here

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SPEED, Plyometrics
& Agility

This program is open to all student-athletes in grades k-12, regardless of their fitness background or sport of choice.


Participants can expect to learn and enhance their skills with the use of Ije's SPA methodology, which focuses on Speed-Plyometrics-Agility.


This training program is designed to foster a competitive and supportive community environment.


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Strength & conditioning

This program is open to all student-athletes in grades 6-12, regardless of their fitness background or sport of choice.

Participants can expect to improve movement mechanics, strength, power and flexibility. This training program is designed to support athletes getting stronger in a smarter, safer environment.

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  • 2x / Week - Speed & Strength Membership

    Every month
    Grants access to two sessions per week each month. Sessions are available for either Strength or Speed classes.



  • Group Speed & Agility 4-Session Package

    4 Sessions of Speed and Agility Group Training
    Valid for 3 months
  • Group Speed & Agility 8-Session Package

    8 Sessions of Speed & Agility Group Training
    Valid for 3 months
  • Strength & Conditioning 8-Session Pack

    8 session package of strength and conditioning group training
    Valid for 3 months
  • Strength & Conditioning 12-Session Pack

    12 session package of strength and conditioning group training
    Valid for 3 months


No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.

Class Schedule

Located at EMPWR Fitness

140 Gould Street (back of building)
Needham, MA 02494

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